There are some things that just can't be ignored. I have mixed emotions at this time of the year because I never know how to feel. My brother died three years ago this October. Usually I get incredibly depressed and nearly loose the will to live. To try to avoid this I just made myself so busy that I wouldn't have to think about it, which is rediculous and didn't work. I think about my brother every day, he is my only brother.
We are the bookends in the family, he is the oldest and I am the youngest. We are the two that looked the most alike, we both have blonde hair, blue eyes, the same nose and the same tush (both from my mom haha).
My brother was by no means a perfect man, he was 29 when he died, and for a long time I really stuggled with my mixed feelings. Now I just accept it as the way things are, everyone is human and no one is perfect. I try to remember the good things and not the bad, as hard as it may be. So here are the good things about my brother. He was very protective, in a good older brother way. Once my sister was complaining about how her lame her ex-boyfriend was being because he wouldn't leave her alone. He offered to take 'care' of it, which may seem weird but I know that he just really cared about my sister and would have done anything for her. I remember one time for Sadie's Hawkins there were 10 couples and we ordered out Macaroni Grill and my brother went and picked up the food for us. These may not seem like a big deal but it is the little things that mean the most.