I have many fears, ok not really. There are few things that actually scare me, like my niece I enjoy scary stuff. Hollywood movies and Halloween decorations do not scare me, only real life scares me. Here is a list of things that scare me:
*Being hit by a car. I actually have been hit by a car and about 3 people get hit at the crosswalk that I live near in Rexburg. Sometimes I get nerveous crossing that crosswalk and I start talking to myself and the car, well it isn't really talking I make this noise. I usually feel much safer j-walking.
*Being rear-ended by another car. This is not something I can really control and it has happened twice this year, in the same car! That's all I'm going to say about it for now, I will blog the story later!
* Going to the bathroom in the dark in a strange place. It would be difficult to defend myself if someone were to attack me.
* Squirrels scare me a lot. They are wild animals and are completely unpredictable and unintellegent.
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