I would like to take this oppurtunity to brag a little. Being a student at BYU Idaho has it's ups and downs. Some of the negatives are the location, it snows all the time and it is in small town that has no nightlife. Perks of being a student at BYU Idaho is the oppurtunity for increased knowledge of secular and temporal things. My favorite perk are the devotionals, they give you that spiritual boost you need once a week.
Tommorrow Elder D Todd Christofferson is coming to speak, I am really excited because I get to go! The last time we had an Apostle of the Lord come was in 2006, my Freshman year. Elder Dallin H Oaks spoke and a few weeks later Elder David A Bednar spoke. I was there to hear both of them speak live. When an Apostle comes you have to have a ticket, they used to do it first come first serve but this semester they used a lottery system.
Guess who won the lottery!!!? I not only have a ticket but my seat is five rows from the front! I have no idea who will be sitting near me but I don't care. I will be five rows from an Apostle of the Lord. Don't worry I will take very good notes and let you know what happened.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I am going crazy! We are at day 4 of having the laptop out of commision. This wouldn't be such a huge deal if I weren't dependent on my computer. As a student I can't do homework without a computer. Yesterday I spent an hour at the computer help desk only to find out that I need to have the cds that came with the laptop when it was purchased. This laptop is about 6 years old and well between my parents and I moving all the time they have vanished from the planet. Now I am at the mercy of Sony, I have to call and ask them to send me the cd. Meanwhile I will be the crazy lady that camps out at the library all the time.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Birthday Wishes!
Well my birthday is drawing nigh and since no one can read my mind, that would be scary, I thought I would make a wish list, emphasis on wish.
Spa Treatment
Is there a better way to spend any day than being pampered in a relaxing and rejuvinating spa? I would submit to you that there is not. Convinently there is a spa in Rexburg, Sage Day Spa. They have reasonable prices, and offer great packages. My favorite is the "Retreat" you get a 60 minute massage, herbal hibernation wrap, facial and a pedicure. They also throw in a "mini" manicure and a lunch for only $225, five hours of amazing spa treatments!

I would love to have a cardigan! They are one of my favorite things to layer with. I found some cute ones at Target.com and JCrew.com.
My current wallet is falling apart, I've had it for about 5 years and it has had a good life but it is time to replace it. I fell in love with this wallet, I also found it at urbanoutfitters.com. I also like this wallet a lot, I love that it has a hard case and a hinge.
Spa Treatment
The coat that I am currently using has seen far better days, it has been falling apart. I would love a new coat. These are my top three favorites from urbanoutfitters.com.
Happy Birthday!
I have decided that I am going to use, or some people would say abuse, this blog to wish people a happy birthday by creating a tribute to them. Don't worry you'll all get a turn, unless I don't really know you then... well what do you expect?
Today is the birthday of Elizabeth Adams or better known as Liz. I have been privledged to know her since I was a freshman in college. We have survived many classes together. Foundations of Education with Brother Kern, possibly the worst education teacher. World Civilizations, an incredibly difficult class taught by Dr. Crisp, who is probably the most intellegent person I have ever met. Incedentially neither of us needed this class to graduate because we changed our majors. At the time Liz had gone from Elementary Education to Math Education and now enjoys English Education. I was Elementary Education to General Studies and finally in the place I belong, English Education. Simultaneously we have ended up together in classes and in the same major. We also took Young Adult Literature and British Literature.
I love Liz Adams she is such an amazing person, it has been a blessing to have her in my life. She has helped me and supported me through a lot. On this day may you feel much joy and love!
Today is the birthday of Elizabeth Adams or better known as Liz. I have been privledged to know her since I was a freshman in college. We have survived many classes together. Foundations of Education with Brother Kern, possibly the worst education teacher. World Civilizations, an incredibly difficult class taught by Dr. Crisp, who is probably the most intellegent person I have ever met. Incedentially neither of us needed this class to graduate because we changed our majors. At the time Liz had gone from Elementary Education to Math Education and now enjoys English Education. I was Elementary Education to General Studies and finally in the place I belong, English Education. Simultaneously we have ended up together in classes and in the same major. We also took Young Adult Literature and British Literature.
I love Liz Adams she is such an amazing person, it has been a blessing to have her in my life. She has helped me and supported me through a lot. On this day may you feel much joy and love!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year and a New Commitment
I used to find New Year Resolutions dull and pointless, but then I realized it was me that was the problem. I am too lazy and scared to commit to goals that I could fail at. Well I am over that. Goals are goals the important part isn't when you reach them it is the process that counts. Here are my goals for 2009.
* Loose weight I realize that this goal is an a-typical goal that everyone sets. Well all I can say is that I really mean this one. I have steadily been gaining weight since last year. No more! I am going to the gym and I will pay the extra money and eat right.
* Improve mental health I know that I can do better, I am not where I should be. I haven't been managing my depression and I have had several panic attacks this year. I am going to swallow my pride and get help and stop lying to myself that I don't need it.
* Learn a new dance I really want to take a dance class and learn more dances
* Keep in contact with people I love by writing letters, calling, visiting and emailing.
* Be pain free. I can do more to prevent the pain I live in, I just need to do it.
* Read more books! My goal is to read 52 novels this year, including the standard works.
* Improve piano skills by practicing once a week for an hour. I am committed to doing this, I think I can do it!
* Go to 90% of the Devotionals. Let's face it 100% is not realistic for me at this time so I will start with something realistic. I just need to get over my attitude.
* Write a book
* Travel to a city I've never been to before.
* Listen to other people more.
* Loose weight I realize that this goal is an a-typical goal that everyone sets. Well all I can say is that I really mean this one. I have steadily been gaining weight since last year. No more! I am going to the gym and I will pay the extra money and eat right.
* Improve mental health I know that I can do better, I am not where I should be. I haven't been managing my depression and I have had several panic attacks this year. I am going to swallow my pride and get help and stop lying to myself that I don't need it.
* Learn a new dance I really want to take a dance class and learn more dances
* Keep in contact with people I love by writing letters, calling, visiting and emailing.
* Be pain free. I can do more to prevent the pain I live in, I just need to do it.
* Read more books! My goal is to read 52 novels this year, including the standard works.
* Improve piano skills by practicing once a week for an hour. I am committed to doing this, I think I can do it!
* Go to 90% of the Devotionals. Let's face it 100% is not realistic for me at this time so I will start with something realistic. I just need to get over my attitude.
* Write a book
* Travel to a city I've never been to before.
* Listen to other people more.
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