Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year and a New Commitment

I used to find New Year Resolutions dull and pointless, but then I realized it was me that was the problem. I am too lazy and scared to commit to goals that I could fail at. Well I am over that. Goals are goals the important part isn't when you reach them it is the process that counts. Here are my goals for 2009.
* Loose weight I realize that this goal is an a-typical goal that everyone sets. Well all I can say is that I really mean this one. I have steadily been gaining weight since last year. No more! I am going to the gym and I will pay the extra money and eat right.
* Improve mental health I know that I can do better, I am not where I should be. I haven't been managing my depression and I have had several panic attacks this year. I am going to swallow my pride and get help and stop lying to myself that I don't need it.
* Learn a new dance I really want to take a dance class and learn more dances
* Keep in contact with people I love by writing letters, calling, visiting and emailing.
* Be pain free. I can do more to prevent the pain I live in, I just need to do it.
* Read more books! My goal is to read 52 novels this year, including the standard works.
* Improve piano skills by practicing once a week for an hour. I am committed to doing this, I think I can do it!
* Go to 90% of the Devotionals. Let's face it 100% is not realistic for me at this time so I will start with something realistic. I just need to get over my attitude.
* Write a book
* Travel to a city I've never been to before.
* Listen to other people more.

1 comment:

Susan said...

good luck, Laura. Those are excellent goals. How are they coming along?

You may not realize that you placed the standard works in the category with novels. . .

Relaxing and Refreshing

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