I went to the dentist yesterday. I was actually pretty excited because I love going to the dentist and I hadn't gotten a cleaning since I started college. As part of filling out my mission papers I have to go to a dentist and make sure that my teeth will be ok for the next 18 months. I do not have all of my teeth, some molars are missing and my wisdom teeth are too.
When the nurse brought in my x-rays I nearly passed out. I thought it was a joke. No no no those aren't mine! They look fake! Can I get a second oppinion! I just stared at those two little mennacing teeth. Where on earth did they come from?! The dentist told me that I should get them removed, and he's right because I don't have any teeth to match them on the bottom and so they will just keep growing and growing. I can pull them or get implants. I started laughing when he suggested implants because I thought it was so rediculous.
So here I am in the middle of finals week, moving on Friday and I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed today. Probably not y best idea ever... but when I set out to do something I am bound and determined to do no matter what. I will just pray for Wolverine's super power to temporarily exist in my body.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I really like this guy but he won't ask me out. This is frustrating. And sad and I am not a patient person in this department. Maybe he just isn't interested. I am so tired of dating.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I am boycotting ugly hair
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Here is something I have a hard time understanding. People who protest animal cruelty but they support abortion. I know that this has been an explosive and sensitive subject for years. Yesterday in my dramatic literature class we were talking about the post modern age in which we live in. People's values and world views are different from what they used to be. People are not comfortable with the ideas of fixed truths. Also political actions are very important. This is what I struggle with. Proposition 8 passed, which I did support, along with two other propositions. One allows girls 12 years old to get an abortion without parental consent. The other proposition required farm animals to have a certain amount of space and room to walk around. I just have a hard time understanding why animals would be more important than people. I love animals and I think animal abuse is horrible and awful. I have to leave the room whenever one of those comercials comes on with Sarah McGlaklan. Here is my point: if animals have rights why don't unborn babies. Legaly they are considered human. In the trial of Scott Peterson he was tried for double homocide because he killed his pregnant wife. I was just thinking about this today and I needed to get my thoughts out. Thanks for listening.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Clothing with a Cause
In my search for the perfect bridesmaid dress I happend upon this website. They sell t-shirts and they all cost $38. The proceeds feed one orphan in Africa for a month. They are acutally pretty cool shirts and some of the designs are inspired by the children. So cool! Here are my favs.

Monday, July 13, 2009
Oo la la
I am doing a report on Annie Dillard. She is a female author. The link I attached is to her website, yes she is living! Anyway she writes mostly poetry and non-fiction, basically she is fab. She also does artwork that she sells for only $350 and the proceeds go to Partners in Health! Basically if I had money these are the paintings I would own.

Friday, July 10, 2009
Some things just never change
Even as a young child I was boy crazy! I remember some of my earliest crushes today.
One of the first guys I ever liked was this elder serving in my ward, I was 4 or 5, he was Italian and had the most beautiful accent. I loved the way he said my name. Whenever he came over for dinner I would just stare at him and think how beautiful he was. Weird!
Ok, honestly who doesn't have a thing for Italian men? Every girl dreams of falling in love with a beautiful Italian man. They are passionate, good looking and the whole idea is incredibly romantic. I have this reocurring dream where I am standing outside the temple with my husband. He is tall, muscular, has dark brown hair and stunning blue eyes. He looks Italian.
Here's another example. My first kiss, when I was four, was to this boy named Michael. I had the biggest crush on him and one day I kissed him because my brother told me not to. Anyway, we were pretty much best friends. He was black. Later in third grade I had the biggest crush on this black boy named Chris, he was so funny. Even at seven I thought I was in love.
These days I am attracted to almost any black man I meet. I don't what it is, ok really I do. Their skin is gorgeous, they are muscular and so manly. Anyway, today I was at WinCo and this black guy caught me checking him out. I was kind of embarassed that he could tell I thought he was the finest thing I'd seen all day.
One of the first guys I ever liked was this elder serving in my ward, I was 4 or 5, he was Italian and had the most beautiful accent. I loved the way he said my name. Whenever he came over for dinner I would just stare at him and think how beautiful he was. Weird!
Ok, honestly who doesn't have a thing for Italian men? Every girl dreams of falling in love with a beautiful Italian man. They are passionate, good looking and the whole idea is incredibly romantic. I have this reocurring dream where I am standing outside the temple with my husband. He is tall, muscular, has dark brown hair and stunning blue eyes. He looks Italian.
Here's another example. My first kiss, when I was four, was to this boy named Michael. I had the biggest crush on him and one day I kissed him because my brother told me not to. Anyway, we were pretty much best friends. He was black. Later in third grade I had the biggest crush on this black boy named Chris, he was so funny. Even at seven I thought I was in love.
These days I am attracted to almost any black man I meet. I don't what it is, ok really I do. Their skin is gorgeous, they are muscular and so manly. Anyway, today I was at WinCo and this black guy caught me checking him out. I was kind of embarassed that he could tell I thought he was the finest thing I'd seen all day.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
A lovely vacation
I drove all night on Wednesday and met my roomate Susannah in San Francisco. It was so nice! We got a hotel that was off Vernon and Broadway for only $50 a night! Once we found it and checked in we explored the city, I have been to SF more times than I can count but this was Susannah's first time. We at linner(late lunch\early dinner) and a Japanese restaurant. I think it was called Sushi Rock. I got some egg rolls, pickled cucumbers, and rice. I ate my entire meal with chopsticks, it was really hard but I didn't have any other choice. We then walked to Japan town, which was a little disappointing because it was so small and most of the shops were closed. Then we walked through Union square to China town which was a lot of fun. I found a really cute teapot but I am pretty sure it had lead paint on it. When I asked the store clerk she said that you have to use lead to get color on the teapot I was dissappointed and mad at the same time! After Susannah had made friends with most of the store owners and the shops began to close we took the muni back to our hotel. Unfortunately this was a little more adventuresome than we had bargined for. Neither of us noticed that the there are different routes after 7pm. After one wrong muni we finally got on the right one and made it to our hotel without being shot.
Online the hotel promised a free breakfast, much to the disappointment of our stomachs and our wallets the hotel did not deliver. We walked to Japan town and ate at a lovely bakery. Now that I was feeling human again we went to a little Japaneese market where Susannah made friends with all the people there. Susannah is fluent in Japaneese and Chineese. We checked out of the hotel and hoped on the muni and headed toward union square!
After googling the guys that were raising money for the troops in only their underwear I refreshed my soul at anthropologie! I wish I could live in that store! Unfortunately I was super broke and the only thing I could afford was this cool notebook. It is adoreable and I can't wait to start writting in it!
After Union square we went to Fisherman's warf, I really didn't want to go because it is so touristy but Susannah had never been so she dragged me there. We ate lunch at Boudin, my favorite! Everything there is so delicious and tasty! Then we went to a beach near the Golden Gate Bridge and took some picutures. Afterwards we drove across the bridge and took the 101 to a bunch of other freeways that eventually led up to 80. It was acutally a good route because we went through a lot of 'country' and avoided a lot of traffic.
On the way to Auburn we stopped at a fruit stand in Yolo and had a lovely dinner. The produce in Idaho pales in comparison to Californina. We spent Friday night and all day Saturday with my family. It was so refreshing!
On Saturday we marched in Auburn's parade with the Tea Party Patriot's group which Emily organized. The Tea Party Patriots is a really cool group that I will blog about later. We had over 100 people march with us! I am so proud of my sister Emily for organizing the event. At the end of the parade there were fireworks and we bought some kettle corn. The show was pretty good considering it was free. It was really cute because Sydney kept clapping after every firework went off.
When Sunday rolled around I was reluctant to leave. I didn't want to come back. I wanted to stay with my family, but here I am back in Idaho... blogging. PS pictures of the events mentioned to follow, I didn't take any pictures so I am waiting for them to get posted on fb and then I will post them on my blog.
Thursday Thoughts
A lot has been swimming in my mind lately, sometimes it is too much and too murky to make anything out. Here's what happened today.
I corrected my English teacher's english. Granted his tie that had orcas on it was super distracting it certainly didn't distract me from being a smart-alec!
This is what I realized, well I've known this about myself for a while now, but I discovered more than I wanted to know. I am a perfectionist, particularly when it comes to english grammar. For example, I do not read newspapers because it is far too painful. The countless spelling errors and general abuse of the english language is too much for me to take. Books are usually higher quality literature, but there are always exceptions.
Does my fetish stop here. In conversations I am always correcting people's grammar and trying to find better words than the ones they chose. I am crazy and obnoxious. Just ask my roomates, none of them are native english speakers and I correct them constantly. One of them taught English for a year and her english is terrible!
This brings me to my next point. I live with monkeys. They constantly invade my space. This is odd I know but just hear me out. I go to take a shower and their face wash is in the area where I keep my toiletries. I am crazy but this drives me insane. I need my own space. I need to sleep without people knocking on my door asking me questions. I need to be able to have a conversation on the phone without people asking me for favors. I need my space! We are not best friends, stop using me! I am not your mother!
I am at my breaking point. It doesn't matter how much time I spend away, it is always there when I get back. The same old situation. The same half eaten apple or half eaten yogurt with no lid on it. Or worse half an onion just sitting in the refridgerator. Disgusting!
Why organizing things when you can hap-hazardly throw them wherever you feel. If you don't care that your apple that your half eaten apple and yogurt will now taste like the refrigderator why would you care about organization.
I know I am not the picture of perfection. When I have my own room it is a mess, but I don't parade my friends through my room when it is a mess. I have some pride. I do not like to eat things that taste like the refridgerator smells. I do not allow my cucumbers to rot in the drawers and then laugh it off when someone else cleans up after me!
It is easier to be friends with monkeys when you don't have to live with them.
Monday, July 6, 2009
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