I corrected my English teacher's english. Granted his tie that had orcas on it was super distracting it certainly didn't distract me from being a smart-alec!
This is what I realized, well I've known this about myself for a while now, but I discovered more than I wanted to know. I am a perfectionist, particularly when it comes to english grammar. For example, I do not read newspapers because it is far too painful. The countless spelling errors and general abuse of the english language is too much for me to take. Books are usually higher quality literature, but there are always exceptions.
Does my fetish stop here. In conversations I am always correcting people's grammar and trying to find better words than the ones they chose. I am crazy and obnoxious. Just ask my roomates, none of them are native english speakers and I correct them constantly. One of them taught English for a year and her english is terrible!
This brings me to my next point. I live with monkeys. They constantly invade my space. This is odd I know but just hear me out. I go to take a shower and their face wash is in the area where I keep my toiletries. I am crazy but this drives me insane. I need my own space. I need to sleep without people knocking on my door asking me questions. I need to be able to have a conversation on the phone without people asking me for favors. I need my space! We are not best friends, stop using me! I am not your mother!
I am at my breaking point. It doesn't matter how much time I spend away, it is always there when I get back. The same old situation. The same half eaten apple or half eaten yogurt with no lid on it. Or worse half an onion just sitting in the refridgerator. Disgusting!
Why organizing things when you can hap-hazardly throw them wherever you feel. If you don't care that your apple that your half eaten apple and yogurt will now taste like the refrigderator why would you care about organization.
I know I am not the picture of perfection. When I have my own room it is a mess, but I don't parade my friends through my room when it is a mess. I have some pride. I do not like to eat things that taste like the refridgerator smells. I do not allow my cucumbers to rot in the drawers and then laugh it off when someone else cleans up after me!
It is easier to be friends with monkeys when you don't have to live with them.
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