Sunday, January 11, 2009

Birthday Wishes!

Well my birthday is drawing nigh and since no one can read my mind, that would be scary, I thought I would make a wish list, emphasis on wish.

Spa Treatment

Is there a better way to spend any day than being pampered in a relaxing and rejuvinating spa? I would submit to you that there is not. Convinently there is a spa in Rexburg, Sage Day Spa. They have reasonable prices, and offer great packages. My favorite is the "Retreat" you get a 60 minute massage, herbal hibernation wrap, facial and a pedicure. They also throw in a "mini" manicure and a lunch for only $225, five hours of amazing spa treatments!


I would love to have a cardigan! They are one of my favorite things to layer with. I found some cute ones at and


The coat that I am currently using has seen far better days, it has been falling apart. I would love a new coat. These are my top three favorites from

My current wallet is falling apart, I've had it for about 5 years and it has had a good life but it is time to replace it. I fell in love with this wallet, I also found it at I also like this wallet a lot, I love that it has a hard case and a hinge.

1 comment:

Susan said...

do you want a coat more or a spa day?

do you want me to send you the red coat?

Relaxing and Refreshing

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