Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I am going crazy! We are at day 4 of having the laptop out of commision. This wouldn't be such a huge deal if I weren't dependent on my computer. As a student I can't do homework without a computer. Yesterday I spent an hour at the computer help desk only to find out that I need to have the cds that came with the laptop when it was purchased. This laptop is about 6 years old and well between my parents and I moving all the time they have vanished from the planet. Now I am at the mercy of Sony, I have to call and ask them to send me the cd. Meanwhile I will be the crazy lady that camps out at the library all the time.

1 comment:

KillmerFam said...

Hey! When were you gonna let the rest of your family know you have a blog! I need things to read after the kids go to bed! Hope you're doing well! By the way, the next post I want to see is a picture of you wearing the necklace your dad bought from me :o)

Relaxing and Refreshing

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