Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Remembering the Savior

Devotional was amazing, it felt surreal to feel the spirit so strongly. About 15 minutes before devotional Elder Christofferson walked into the room and everyone stood in silence to honor his presence. The entire congregation sat in silence until devotional began. This was a record because there is a lot of socializing that goes on at devotional, as I am sure you can imagine because it is a room full of college students in the same age group.

The main message of his talk was that "Remembering the Savior obviously includes remembering His atonement which is sybolically represented by the bread and water as emblems of His suffering and death. we must never forget what he did for us for without his atonement and resurection life would have no meaning."

To this he had three points.
1. Seeking to know and follow His will
2. Recognizing and accepting our obligation to answer to christ for every thought word and action
3.Living with faith and without fear in the realization that we can always look to the Savior for the help we need

To hear or read the rest of his talk click here.

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