Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday to Emily and Dave

So this is a little late and I am behind but the meaning is still the same. In celebration of their birthdays (March 6th and March 22nd) I would like to say a few words about both of them.
I am proud to call Emily my sister. I really look up to her and she is such a good example to me. Honestly when I look to the future I hope that I can be just like her.
Dave is an awesome brother-in-law, father and husband to my sister. Whenever I get freaked out about getting married I just look at their relationship and I am reminded that marriage can be awesome and work out.
I love them both and am so blessed that they are in my family!

1 comment:

Emily95661 said...

Awwwwwwww. Thanks Laura! I love you!

By the way, I didn't realize there were any crazy teeth pictures of me in existence. I mean 'getting new adult teeth' crazy teeth not 'pre-braces' crazy teeth because there are lots of the latter.

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