Friday, October 24, 2008

Charlie Chaplin

I love to watch movies. There is so much artistry that can be found in movies, if you look for it. I watched "The Cat's Meow" which was made in 2001 and is about the movie industry in the 1920's. That got me thinking about Charlie Chaplin. He is an amazing artist. He was an actor, director, filmaker, composer and musician. His talent is incredible, his movies say a lot without using dialogue. I recomend "Modern Times" to start. it is in black and white but the quality and message is incredible.
Here is the link:
To learn more about the amazing Charlie Chaplin:

Sunday, October 19, 2008


How do you stop yourself from annoying other people? You can try to be overly considerate and nice, but the people who know you will see right through this and find you more fake and annoying. The only solution I have for this right now is to just be yourself and figure that people aren't always going to like you.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

First blog ever!

So this is my first blog. I don't know what to write. I feel like it should be really funny or profound but... I can't think of anything to say with a million eyes staring at me. More later.

Relaxing and Refreshing

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