Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Worst Suprise Ever

I went to the dentist yesterday. I was actually pretty excited because I love going to the dentist and I hadn't gotten a cleaning since I started college. As part of filling out my mission papers I have to go to a dentist and make sure that my teeth will be ok for the next 18 months. I do not have all of my teeth, some molars are missing and my wisdom teeth are too.
When the nurse brought in my x-rays I nearly passed out. I thought it was a joke. No no no those aren't mine! They look fake! Can I get a second oppinion! I just stared at those two little mennacing teeth. Where on earth did they come from?! The dentist told me that I should get them removed, and he's right because I don't have any teeth to match them on the bottom and so they will just keep growing and growing. I can pull them or get implants. I started laughing when he suggested implants because I thought it was so rediculous.
So here I am in the middle of finals week, moving on Friday and I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed today. Probably not y best idea ever... but when I set out to do something I am bound and determined to do no matter what. I will just pray for Wolverine's super power to temporarily exist in my body.

1 comment:

Shawna Marie said... are hilarious!! I MISS YOUR FACE!

Relaxing and Refreshing

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